How do you retrieve a used windshield that is apparently glued in place?How to change a windshield 88 dakota?
2 people, 1 on the inside, 1 on the outside.
A piece of pianio wire wrapped %26amp; tied to a piece of dowl for a handle. cut rubber gluy %26amp; thread wire through %26amp; tie it to the other handle
work it back %26amp; forth all the way around %26amp; out it comesHow to change a windshield 88 dakota?
you have to cut the rubber glue that is holding in place. A wire works for this. The odds are good you will break it while removing it. You may be better off to call a pro.How to change a windshield 88 dakota?
Warning: pay a professional to do this because you will break it and/or cut off your arms trying. Every vehicle built since the eighties has the windsheild 'bonded-in' with a urethene adhesive and it is VERY difficult to remove without proper tools and knowledge.How to change a windshield 88 dakota?
Spend the money and leave it to the pros.