This morning on my way to work, a woman was riding my bumper...actually she was going 65 in 55 while car in front of me was going 50. I was too busy freaking out because she was flying behind me and wasn't slowing down so I started to speed up a little and had to hit my brakes because slow car in front of me and truck next to me. She was obviously upset, but I didn't do it intentionally. I have no problem brake checking a person if they are riding my bumper for no reason and I am going the speed limit or up to 5 above, but this wasn't the case. I had no choice but to brake or else I would've hit the lady in front of me. So anyway, I braked, she got over and started to drive at my speed since the truck was now in front of her and the car in front of me was still going slow. I looked over at her with the %26quot;What did you want me to do?%26quot; face and she pointed in my direction and said, %26quot;I got something for you!%26quot; and shortly after some change hit my windshield. There isn't any visible damage, but she could've caused an accident or cracked my windshield. This of course made me furious since I didn't do anything deliberately and she was cleary in the wrong. So I followed her and got her license plate and called 911 to report her. I never done this before so I didn't even know how they would handle it. Unfortunately in Florida it's consider Road Rage and they don't do anything about it here but take the plate and file a complaint. If there was visible damage or a cop would've witnessed it they could do more.
My problem is that she was deliberately trying to damage my car or make me scared. I don't really know what her problem was, but something serious could've happened. I had just dropped my 4 month off at daycare 15 minutes before!
Since the cops can't really do anything, what should I do? I thought that there was some kind of law to protect people...I just want her to know that you can't just speed like a bat out of hell almost cause an accident then get mad and throw crap at other cars and almost cause and accident there! Somebody could've gotten hurt.
This isn't for debate, I just want to know if anyone has gone through this? What did you do and do you know of any laws that protect the victim? The file says that one of my rights is to seek restitution from the guilty husband is furious and doesn't think the matter is resolved.
What would you do?
Are there laws to protect against objects being deliberatly thrown at car while driving?
It's very difficult to prove since it ends up being your word against hers. You could try to sue her but without criminal charges that would be an uphill battle. The best thing I can think of is lean on the police. They might follow up on or maybe just pay her a visit just to scare the snot out of her. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. I bet a visit from an angry cop will at least shake her up a bit.Are there laws to protect against objects being deliberatly thrown at car while driving?
since there really was no eye witnesses the matter can not go to court because you can not prove she threw something. Next time though if you happen to run into someone like that again just say they are rectless driving and they are going to cause an accident.
WE had to call the cops for a drunk driver supposedly we did not know if he was or wasnt but he was swerving all over the road and we called The highway patrol and we followed them until the cops could catch up with him.
I had someone do the same thing not as quite as sever as yourse though but they gave me the finger and got all mad at me because i had to stop because a big mac was turning and they were riding up my butt. but getting back to you. Since there is no damage to your car there is not much the cops can really do at this point but i would reported again and call the HIGHWAY PATROL next time not 911 and reported as rectless driving. then they will ask were you are and try to get the person themselves.
sorry this happen to you. hope you do somehow get this resolved.